The Need For Content In A Home Business Online Opportunity

I cannot understate how important adding fresh content to your home business online opportunity is. Fresh content that is then optimized for the search engines is the number one way to receive free traffic from the search engines. This is also where the importance of picking a site theme that you know and are passionate about comes in as well. If you pick a site theme which you do not know or love then adding content will be hard work, take more time and not be enjoyable for your home business online opportunity.

Think about it, if you picked a site concept you know nothing about then this becomes work. The added time of having to research and learn everything before you write it will add hours a day to the work. When you know and love something the ideas and pages just pour out making the work fast, efficient and fun. The number one goal of our home business online opportunity is to add as much fresh content as possible.

I have stated that I add about one new page per day expect on the weekends. This process take me about one half hour to accomplish. That is writing the article, editing and optimizing the page, as well as putting it live online. In the beginning you will be a bit slower, until you understand the concepts of on-page optimization and know just what to do each day. If you are working a day job and this is a side project, carry a notepad and each day know the keyword you will be working on. Focus on concepts and ideas, have an outline ready so when you come home the page just flies out.

There no great secret to writing great content, just make is fun and informative. Use my example of creating an online magazine, if you look at your web site in that manner it should be alright. The writing for your home business online opportunity is in your hands and there is not much advice that I can give to you. I suggest you read and take advantage of some of the free Ebooks and writing courses I have on this site as it may help in your efforts Home Business Online Opportunity Netwriting Course!

What I can help you with is the learning curve associated with on-page optimization. On the next page I will show you exactly what I do with my sites each day after I have written a page of content and am ready to optimize it and put the page out on the web for my home business opportunity online.

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