Day 7 Continued - How Inbound Links Help Build Your Home Business Opportunity Online

Building link popularity with the search engines are an important part of your home business opportunity online and a proper link strategy is something you must learn to develop. Content built around keywords will always be the main focus of building your web site business, however linking will help you achieve better rankings and more traffic. Links are the main off-page criteria used by the search engines to help them measure the human reaction towards your content.

The more web sites that place a link of your site onto theirs the more your link popularity grows with the search engines. What we look for in our linking strategy is to get links from sites that share our theme and are already popular in the search engines themselves. The better and more related the web sites linking to us are the more popularity our site achieves with the search engines and the quicker the home business opportunity online grows.

Links that point in from other sites establish credibility to the search engines. If you are to obtain a link from a well established web site that is popular with the search engines, then when they visit the site and find a link to your site they will assume your content is of high quality since another webmaster has vouched for it. This is an example of how a link becomes the representation or the "vote" from other webmasters that the search engines look for in their algorithms. The strategy of gaining links from related, quality well established web sites are essential to winning the battle with our home business opportunity online.

We only want sites that are related to our site to link to us. There is no need to search for links that are off theme. These links will not help out overall goals. Search engines do not care about the number of inbound links we have, they care about the quality. Only look for links from related sites that seem to be high quality or an authority of the topic our web site is covering. One solid link from a solid web site that the search engines love may be enough to get a top position in the major search engines.

Many web sites do not have many links pointing into their sites. So even though this off-page optimization technique is important the major search engines still need to value high quality web sites for their customers and linking is only part of the equation. Quality content sites will often get great links without having to do any work. Solo Build It! has a "Value Exchange" tool in their hosting services, which automates getting high quality one way back links, Check out the Home Business Opportunity Online Tools by clicking the link great web site will be found and many webmasters may want to point their visitors to your site because it will be a value for them. Great content sites alone may be the only linking strategy you need for a home business opportunity online.

Now that we have an understanding of how linking can help us in the search engines we will move onto the next page and how we go about this technique. Click For Next Lesson

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