Day 8 Wrap Up - Building Relationships For A Home Based Small Business

The lessons in day 8 are about making the most out of a home based small business. These are a few methods which will make the most out of the traffic we receive and let our business grow even faster, while making even more income along the way. The site-blog will be set up in minutes and then run automatically from then on out. Every time you add new content it will instantly be added to your site-blog and then the RSS feed will distribute the blog content to all the RSS feed sites on the Internet and "ping" the web to let them know new content has been added to your site and what that content it.

The RSS feed will also be available for your visitors to sign up for so that they can keep up to date with your site and be alerted to additions of your site through their RSS readers. This will all be set up in one day and run automatically from then on out with absolutely NO efforts on your part.

The E-zine will require minimal efforts on your part for your home based small business online. Setting up your E-zine will require that you add the "subscriber box" to the pages that you would like to market your E-zine. You will also have to create a "sales page" for your E-zine and add that to your menu or navbar of your site as part of your second tier of web pages. You will then set up your template for your E-zine with a name of the newsletter and each time you send one out you will add a subject line to "presell" or get the subscribers excited to read the email. Then you will add your content and with a push of a button the newsletter will be blasted to your subscribers.

With the E-zine and newsletter directories available online you may want to spend an hour and submit your E-zine sales page (the web address of the page) to the directories. This will help increase your subscribers and your traffic for the lifetime of the web site with minimal work and truly create the best home based small business through a web site. Make sure to submit the page to the correct category and make the description as exciting as possible.

The management of the subscribers will all be handled by the web hosting software. When a visitor subscribes you will be able to check the stats of how many subscribers you have, how many newsletters have been sent and if any subscribers have "un subscribed". There is no work or effort on your part beyond creating and sending the newsletters.

The use of forms may be an avenue of marketing you want to explore. Many webmaster use forms in their marketing efforts. Forms can be used in a multitude of ways such as creating polls and building referrals. With the web hosting software I use forms can be created for any situation in a matter of minutes with no experience necessary.

The overall point of the day 8 lessons is to keep a strong relationship with visitors and continue to grow our web site in order to maximize our profits. 99% of webmaster "miss the boat" on these methods of Internet marketing and we want to make sure we stay on top of our competition. Any time the Internet offers a new way of drawing income for a home based small business, we want to take advantage.

With Solo Build It! there is no need to search for new ways to market a Home Based Small Business , make sure to check out their tools and take the full video tour! Everything is covered and if any new methods become available I am instantly on top of them through their service. We want to build trust and credibility with our visitors and we want to reach our target audience however and whenever we can!

We are almost done with our ten day plan for building the home based business we always dreamed of, so let's continue to Day 9! Click For Next Lesson

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