Advantages Of Proper Linking For Work At Home Online Marketing

Link popularity has become popular for work at home online marketing and is one factor that search engines use in order to find the best web sites on a particular theme and then give them better rankings so their users can find the page or site. Links are part of the search engine algorithm which helps make it easy for them to find the most relevant and popular pages for their search results. In short the more sites which link to another site the better but also the more important the sites linking the better for the site being linked to. The final piece of the linking puzzle is the closer that they are to the topic of the site or page the more link popularity points that are gained. In other words it is best to get links from sites that the search engines deem important and then that share the same general theme or specific topic to the page. These links are best to have pointing into your page for better rankings but are of course not so easy to get. Links make it much easier for the search engines to find important sites and pages, search engines cannot look through all sites and pages with the use of humans and must rely on programs to handle the task. Sites with many links on other important web sites and sites with related content and topics shows the search engines that the site or page has the popularity by users online and that helps to weed out bad sites and discover valuable sites. Think about it, if quality big web sites are linking to another site it shows that the site is of value because else would a big quality site go through the work to recommend another pages to their visitors? This is what makes links important to work at home online marketing. Do not place more importance on links then need be for work at home online marketing , most sites do not have many links pointing into them. If every site on the net had thousands upon thousands of links pointing into every page then the search engines would place a higher value on the links for ranking in the results but many great sites have very few if any links coming in. If the search engines placed to much emphasis on links then they would be eliminating tons of great sites which would be of value to their users. Links pointing into sites and web pages are just one smaller part of getting great search rankings and should be treated so when doing any form of work at home online marketing. So what is the best way to use links for a web sites advantage? It is easy to understand, because search engines place value on quality links form related quality sites but because most sites do not have them it can give an edge to get some links pointing into each page of the site. If you have been working for months to get a page of the site to move up from the second page of search results to the first then a couple of good links pointing into that page may just do the trick. With work at home online marketing it is generally the tougher and more competitive keywords that are hard to get better rankings for. The broad keywords are very competitive because everyone knows they deliver the biggest number of visitors to a site and so everyone is working for them. Getting some links into the page will give the page a boost in the results and help for the better rankings. Of course fighting as battle for top positions on competitive broad terms are a tough battle to fight. It is usually a better idea to find less competitive niche keywords that can much easier get ranked for with less work. A matter of fact you may not need any links to get top results for a less competitive keyword because no one is fighting for it, while everyone else is putting all their time and energy into trying to move up a broad less targeted keyword page you could be getting many niche pages on the top positions and be bringing in more and better traffic to the site. One way to be able and keep up with what keywords and pages to work on for the best results it to analyze the links of competitors. There are software programs that do this quickly but it can also be done right at the search engines. This will show all the links for any web site, so you can take a keyword then type it into the search engine and see the top 10 sites scoring for the keyword. Then just look at the links they have for that page, if all the top 10 sites have the thousand of links from other sites pointing in then you will know that you got your work cut out for you and perhaps find another keyword to work on. Once you find a keyword which the top 10 sites ranking for each have few links pointing in you know that you can easily get to the top 10 results for that page and bring in the targeted traffic needed to make money online. When it comes to work at home online marketing links are important and building link popularity is part of the process, especially when a site is just starting out. It is also important not to fight losing battles and spend endless time trying to get a page to the top of the search results that take forever. Instead use link popularity to your advantage and find keywords that bring in great results but not require the time and work as the competitive keyword phrases. In the time that was spent trying to get a page to rank for a highly competitive keyword you could have had the fifty other pages ranking and bringing in more traffic with less time and work. Check out the full Work At Home Online Marketing video tour. 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