Day 7 Continued - Helping A New Home Business Grow Through In-Bound Links

Content will always be the main strategy we use for our new home business in order to build traffic and win with the search engines, but a web site can always use the help of some solid, quality in-bound links. The first stage of our business will be worrying only about getting twenty to thirty pages of quality content up on our site and on-page optimized for the search engines. There is no need in the beginning to worry about our linking strategy. I have said before that once we have our first twenty pages up we can submit to the search engines and this period will take some time before we are spidered and listed. During this waiting period just work on getting up some more content until we see that the pages are being indexed.

Webmaster will not be eager to link to a web site that does not have a foundation of solid content anyway, so any work at early linking will not be the best way to spend time on our new home business at this early stage. A web site with a solid foundation of quality content will make webmasters more willing to place a link to your site on theirs.

Online directories will be one of the first places we will look to get some links pointing into our new home business. Directories are more or less like a online library of web sites. Directories are broken down into topic and industry areas in which webmasters list their sites. Directories also only want quality web site in their results so we will need some content established on our site to be able to list our site in the results. Today there are millions of directories online and these are the quickest and easiest way to get links. Unfortunately as search engines have progressed they have devalued the weight that these links will increase your ranking. The directories will still help to get our new home business moving quicker so we will definitely want to start here.

Most directories are free but some do charge small fees. I personally like to keep my overhead as low as possible and only deal with the free directories. Some of the free directories may require that you place a link for their directory onto your web site. I only do this if the directory is related only to the theme of my sites. How you want to use directories are up to you, however a one way back link is worth more in the search engines then a reciprocal link.

One way back links are links in which they appear only on one web site. A reciprocal link is one in which both webmasters place a link to each other on a page of their site. You can see why one way back links are worth more weight in the search engines as they represent that the site that has gotten the in-bound link was worthy of needing to do nothing more then show the webmaster their site is worthy of space on their site with nothing in return. Reciprocal links are much easier to obtain as all you have to do is say "if you put my link on your site I will put your link on mine". Reciprocal links have become more and more unpopular amongst webmasters as one way links increase the ranking for a new home business much better, of course they are much more difficult to obtain.

The major directories online are the best directories to try to get someone way links from. The top online directories which the major search engines consider of importance are usually human edited so we must make sure our site is in tip top shape before we submit to them. The "Value Exchange" tool of Solo Build It! will also help build links to your New Home Business so make sure to check out all their tools by clicking the link!

On the next page we will go through some of the rules before we submit our sites to these directories for our new home business.

Let's go!

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